Post Invoices to General Ledger
This article reviews the ways in which you can post an invoice to the General Ledger and how posting works in Centime
Payables Permissions: Post documents to General Ledger
Posting is the final step of the Invoice Automation workflow. Invoices can be posted manually or automatically. Once an invoice is posted, it cannot be recalled, edited, or deleted so as not to cause synchronization issues with your General Ledger. If you need to change the invoice total, invoice date, or due date after posting, you can do so in your General Ledger.
If an explicit accounting period (for Oracle Netsuite users) or GL posting Date (Sage Intacct) is set on the invoice, that will determine the accounting period it posts to. If these values are left blank, the accounting period/GL posting date will be determined by the invoice date (not the date that you are posting it). If the period is closed or locked and you attempt to post it, you will receive a sync error notification and the invoice will not successfully post. See this article for more information.
Finally, invoices containing items and corresponding item codes from the General Ledger will update inventory values in your accounting system upon posting.
Manually Post Invoices
To post an invoice navigate to the Post action under the Documents tab. Invoices with the status ‘Ready to post’ & ‘Posting failed’ will be displayed.
Select the desired invoices and click Confirm.
Once confirmed, selected invoices will be posted to General Ledger as well as moved to the Unpaid Invoices tab where it will begin the payments workflow.
Auto-post Invoices
Invoices can be auto-posted if the auto-post setting is toggled on in 'Document settings.'
When this setting is toggled on, invoices will be automatically posted to the general ledger once one of the following conditions is met:
- The invoice was approved by the invoice approver
- The invoice was marked as approved by the AP manager
Invoices that don't require approval because they are under the approval threshold will not auto-post and will have to be manually posted.