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Review a Captured Invoice

This article reviews the possible invoice statuses after capture completes and how to move forward in the workflow.

Payables Permission: Upload and review documents 

Invoice review

In the Documents tab, after an invoice is emailed or uploaded and its details are captured, its status can be any of the following:

  • Needs review
  • Needs approvers
  • Ready for approval


To modify invoice details, click on the document icon. 


Status: Needs review

If an invoice status is Needs review, it indicates that the data in one of the critical fields is not captured.  The coding fields can be inputted or routed to the approver to input. 

Invoice details including header, expense, and item information are captured from the original invoice document. NetSuite users also have a field for posting period which populates automatically based on the invoice date.

Expand each section to code and review the invoice and Save. Once the invoice summary tab is complete, you can move onto approvals. 

You can rearrange expense and item lines by dragging and dropping them by clicking and dragging the icon to the left of each line. 

You can also easily move between invoices by using the quick navigation tool at the top. Either click to select the invoice you want or toggle the left and right arrows.

Status: Needs approvers

If an invoice status is Needs approvers, it means that required invoice details are correctly captured, but an invoice approver is not assigned. This can happen when there is no approval policy defined or the invoice doesn't meet the criteria of the existing approval policy.

To modify this status, the user can either create a new approval policy or manually add an approver for the invoice.

To manually add an approver directly to the uploaded document, click on the invoice icon and navigate to the Approvals tab and define a first-level approver.   If you do not see the desired approver in the list, you can add them as a user

Status: Ready for approval

If an invoice status is Ready for approval, it means that details in the required fields are captured correctly and approvers have been identified. The document can now be sent for approval


Status: Awaiting Approval 

This status appears when an invoice has been sent for approval. Only a full access user can still review and code the document at this point. If the approver has been granted edit access as well, then can do so too.