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Release v2.64 - 11.14.2024

Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Large volume initiative

Approve and pay a large number of records

  • Use case: Large AP clients need to pay and approve a large number of unpaid invoices at a time. 
  • Update: The limit has been increased to 250 records. Users can now pay and approve up to 250 records at a time. 
  • Coming Soon: The limit will be increased to ~1000 records after additional performance and stability improvements have been made.

Improved Supplier Name Prediction Accuracy

  • Use Case: An AP invoice document has been uploaded and needs to be coded to the correct supplier based on what’s written on the original document. 
  • Update: We have reworked our supplier prediction system to improve accuracy and precision in general, with particular emphasis on:
    • Addressing a rare edge case that caused incorrect supplier predictions on familiar invoices.
    • Generating more accurate predictions for newly encountered suppliers.

More helpful invoice capture failure notifications

  • Usecase: An AP invoice document is uploaded to Centime via email or the AP module, and it fails to capture for some reason.
  • Update: The resulting error notification (sent via email) now includes the email address and name of the user who submitted the failed invoice.

Module: Accounts Receivable >> Product Theme: Collection prioritization and management 

Dynamic Email Customization (Release 2 / 3)

  • Use Case: Improve email communication with customizable fields and formatting.
  • Update: Dynamically add customer/invoice-specific information in emails with new formatting options (bold, bullet points, hyperlinks). 
  • This is Release 2 of 3 and included Invite to Autopay, Monthly statement and send Email in the Unpaid Invoice tab. The final release will target workflow and automation emails.