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Release v2.63 - 11.6.2024

New features & Fixes

Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Large volume initiative 

Expand Table Display and Export for Large Volume AP Clients  

  • Use case: Large AP clients need the ability to view and export data for more than 1000 records.

  • Update: The limit on displaying and exporting records has been increased to 7000 invoices. Users can now export all displayed data on the Document, Unpaid and Paid tabs, which includes the "ALL" export option. This helps large volume clients to manage their AP workflow without performance degradation. The balance between performance and user requirements was considered to avoid slow load times.

Remove Document Upload Limit

  • Use case: Customers want to upload large numbers of invoices at once.

  • Update: The document upload limit of 10 documents has been removed, allowing users to upload an unlimited number of documents at a time. This change eliminates a common inconvenience and speeds up document-heavy processes within Centime.

Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Invoice Automation

Support for Non-USD Home Currencies in AP

  • Use case: Non-USD entities need to use Centime for AP workflows, including invoice capture and approval routing, before syncing bills to their GL.

  • Update: Entities with non-USD home currencies are now supported in AP workflows. For all summarizations and aggregations, values are converted to the home currency and displayed accordingly. Transaction amounts are shown in their original currency. Policies, such as approval thresholds, will be specified in the home currency and converted when necessary for execution. This enhancement mirrors work previously completed for AR use cases, improving the functionality for international entities.


Module: Accounts Receivable >> Product Theme: Management & Prioritization

Shared Table Views for Collectors

  • Use case: AR managers often tailor their table views in Centime based on their collections expertise and specific goals. However, supporting teams (Sales, Customer Success, and Controllers) lack the same familiarity with the data and functionality. To address this, we want to help AR managers easily share their configured views with their teams.

  • Update: We have introduced the ability to create Shared table views. When a view is marked as Shared, it will be accessible to all users with module access, promoting consistent data visibility. Users can still create Personal views for their own use when broader team sharing is not required.