Release v2.58 - 8.16.2024
Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Enable Rapid Invoice Processing
The following enhancements close significant points of friction for existing customers. The ability to capture and match prices with high decimal precision and to automatically code all custom fields address key gaps identified by early adopters and round out our PO Matching solution.
The ability to download the document table and Increasing the number of document approvers will enable AP Automation to scale for our largest customers.
Deliverable: Increased decimal precision for PO and Invoice lines
- Use Case: Companies often need to record and match price values on invoices with greater precision than two decimal places.
Summary of Update: Centime now captures the full value (up to 6 decimals) for precise invoice recording and matching.
Resource: Knowledge Base
Deliverable: Auto-populate Custom Fields (PO Matching) - Enhanced efficiency
Use Case: Some customers code invoices against custom fields.
Summary of Update: Custom field coding is now included in the auto-population from Purchase Orders.
Resource: Knowledge Base
Deliverable: Download the Document Table - Expanded functionality
Use Case: AP Managers need to export lists of invoice documents for month-end accrual reporting.
Summary of Update: Users can now export document tab data from the AP module (this is already live for the Unpaid and Paid invoice tabs).
Deliverable: Enable Up to 10 invoice approval tiers - Accommodate larger teams
Use Case: Teams requiring more than three levels for invoice approvals.
Summary of Update: Customers can now add up to 10 tiers in approval policies and approval tabs.
Resource: Knowledge Base
Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Payment Automation
Deliverable: Ability to Regenerate Virtual Card - Expanded functionality
Use Case: Regenerate a virtual card if an invoice payment is not processed within 14 days, causing card expiry.
Summary of Update: AP managers can now regenerate expired virtual cards.
Resource: Knowledge Base
Deliverable: Mask ACH Details - Enhanced security
Use Case: Enhance security by masking visible ACH details.
Summary of Update: ACH account numbers are now masked on the Supplier Portal and Customer Profile.
Deliverable: Amex Integration - NEW PAYMENT TYPE
Use Case: Allow AP users to use their AMEX cards for virtual payments.
Summary of Update: Centime integrates with American Express, enabling users to generate and share virtual cards, manage their AMEX program, view balances, and track transactions in real time.
Resource: Knowledge Base
Module: Accounts Receivable >> Product Theme: Management & Prioritization
Deliverable: Supplementary Documents - NEW FEATURE
Use Case: Provide supporting documentation when requesting payment.
Summary of Update: AR collectors can now add supplementary documents and specific invoices to customer accounts.
Coming soon: Their customers can reference these on the customer portal.
Additional information: Knowledge base
Module: Accounts Receivable >> Product Theme: Collections automation
Deliverable: Inherit workflows from bill to entity
Use Case: Enable workflow setup for parent customers, allowing automatic inheritance by child customers or projects.
Summary of Update: Accounts receivable (AR) collectors can now set up workflows by selecting parent customers or billing entities. Child customers or projects will automatically inherit these workflows, eliminating the need to configure workflows separately for each. If a specific child customer or project requires a different workflow, it can still be adjusted individually.
Module: Accounts Receivable >> Product Theme: Optimizing Payments
Deliverable: Export functionality in the customer portal
Use case: Retrieve current open and previously paid invoices
Summary: Customer portal users can now download unpaid and paid invoices in xls and csv format