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Release v2.56 - 06.21.2024

Accounts Payables

Payment Automation  

Expense report payments - NetSuite

  • Use case: Centime has expanded the payment types it can complete. NetSuite customers can now use Centime to pay their employees for their Expense reports.

  • Summary of update: Expense reports will sync from NetSuite and be available for payment in Centime. Expense reports for Sage Intacct will be available in the next sprint. 

  • Resource: Knowledge base

Virtual card access in the Supplier Portal 

  • Use case: In order to enhance card security, suppliers will be able to access the virtual card details on the Supplier Portal

  • Summary of update: Once the invoice payment is made via Credit card,  on the payment date, suppliers are notified via email to access the card details on the Supplier Portal. 


Invoice automation  

Approver enhancements 

  • Use case: Allow approvers to see when their invoices have been paid, and reference prior transactions when approving. 

  • Summary of update: Previously Approvers could only see invoices waiting for their review. Now, approvers can see all invoices they have been assigned to in the unpaid and paid invoices tab. 

  • Resource: Knowledge base 

Toggle approval for PO-Invoices

  • Use case: Typically, PO based invoices do not require invoice approval if they match the PO/receipt, because the purchase was approved when the PO was created.  

  • Summary of update: Allow user to turn off the invoice approval requirement for PO based invoices when no mismatches are present. 

  • Resource: Knowledge base

Invoice capture and coding Improvements 

  • Use case: Improve invoice capture by allowing the AP manager to more quickly & accurately process invoices. 

  • Summary of update: 

    • Allow Sage Intact users to select any GL posting date, including future dates.

    • Expense lines will no longer be created when a $0.00 sales tax is present on an original invoice document. 

Amortization schedule - NetSuite

  • Use case: AP Managers need to apply an amortization schedule to an invoice item or expense and would prefer to do so in Centime alongside their other coding. 

  • Summary of update: Users can assign amortization templates, start dates, and end dates to expense/items within Centime during invoice creation instead of having to do so in Netsuite.

  • Resource: Knowledge base

Accounts Receivable

Streamlining AR payments 

Deliverable: Autopay workflows 

  1. Use case: As the collector, I want to tailor communication for my autopay customers before and after the scheduled payment date.   

  2. Summary of updates: 

    1. Centime to automatically enroll customers in the Autopay workflow when Autopay is enabled. 

    2. The Autopay workflow is triggered based on payment date, which the customer can select as due date, invoiced date or last day of early pay discount date. 

  3. References:

    1. Reminder workflows

    2. Autopay