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Release v2.55 - 06.06.2024

Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Invoice automation  

Document viewer enhancements 

  • Use case: Facilitate collaboration between the AP manager, approvers, purchasers, and receivers as they review invoices. 

  • Summary of update: 

    • Enable Tasks: Allows users to quickly create a task for a colleague while working on an invoice, by accessing the tasks side panel from within the Document Viewer. 

    • Reject/Hold Reason: Users can now type in any reason for rejecting or holding an invoice, instead of just selecting from a few canned responses.


Access Tasks from the Document Viewer:

Include reason when rejecting or putting an invoice on hold: 

Module: Accounts Receivable >> Product theme: Management & Prioritization 

Project fields 

  • Use case: Clients that use projects often code values to a specific project.

  • Summary of update: Centime to pull in standard and custom fields for projects. 

  • Learn more: Enable Custom and Standard Fields