Release v2.54- 05.2024
Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Invoice automation
Notes incorporated into the invoice document viewer
Use case: Facilitate collaboration between the AP manager, approvers, purchasers, and receivers as they review invoices.
Summary of update:
Access Notes from Document Viewer: Allow users to access the Notes side panel from the Document Viewer. Enabling them to view and create notes.
Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Invoice automation
PO Enhancements
Use case: Provide necessary information and facilitate team member onboarding to further help the AP manager process PO-based invoices.
Summary of update:
Unit of measure: Include Unit of Measure in PO line details for users to compare with the invoice while reviewing line matches.
Limited Access Users - PO Invoice Approver: A new type of limited access user that can resolve invoice-PO-receipt mismatches and approve PO-invoices, without access to any other accounting information.
Learn more: Knowledge base
Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Payments automation >> Product theme: Streamlining Supplier Management & Optimizing AP payments
Supplier portal enhancements
Use Case: Simplify collaboration between our customer and their suppliers by giving the suppliers visibility to their unpaid invoices.
Update Summary: Allow the supplier to view their unpaid invoices in the supplier portal.
Learn more: Knowledge base
Module: Accounts Receivable >> Area: Customer portal >> Product theme: Payment optimization >>
Customer Portal Access
- Use case: Enable all customer contacts to access the Customer Portal. Access to the Customer Portal was previously tied to receiving automated emails.
- Summary of capabilities: This is purely a back-end change; now, all customer contacts can access the Customer Portal.
- Learn more: Knowledge base