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Release v2.53- 05.10.2024

Sandbox accessibility 

Customer and Supplier Portal Access 

  • Use case: Quick access to the Customer and Supplier portals.

  • Summary: By default, sandbox users can access the Customer and Supplier portals. They can easily open portals using the quick access menu by clicking the flower icon. 


Module: Accounts Receivable >> Product theme: Streamlining AR payments 

Autopay Management 

  • Use case: As the collector, I want visibility into my customers’ autopay settings to manage my collections strategy properly.   

  • Summary of updates: 

    • Additional fields in the Customer profile & table values: Autopay timing, method, and payment details.  

    • Restrict the Invite to autopay action to ‘bill to’ customers only.

  • Knowledge base


Module: Accounts Receivable >> Product theme: Management & Prioritization 

Hierarchy & Project clarity

  • Use case: As the collector, I need to filter for billing customers and projects. 

  • Summary of updates: There are additional columns in the receivables tables and customer profile to indicate customer and billing status type: Project (Y/N), Billing (Y/N).

  • Knowledge base