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Release v2.50- 03.28.2024

Key New Feature Launches


Cash Impact Table

Modules: Receivables, Payables & Planning >> Deliverable: Cash Impact Table  

  • Use case: The Cash Impact Table is a dynamic tool integral to our cash management offering. It shows the total impact changes to your payables and receivable plans will have on your 14 day cash flow. 

  • Summary of update: 

    • Payables: Calculates the impact of payments on your cash flow when scheduling or planning payments based on the payment date and method selected. 

    • Receivables: Highlights the effect of modifying expected or promised receivables dates, calculating how such changes shift cash and impact your cashflow. 

Additional information: Knowledge base

Centime Custom Fields 

Module: Accounts Receivable >> Area: Customer & Invoice tabs  >> Product theme: Collaboration and issue resolution >> Deliverable: AR Centime Custom Fields

  • Use case: Centime serves as the central hub for collections management and team collaboration. With Centime Custom Fields, users can tailor dispute workflows, assign team members, and incorporate customer and invoice specifics.

  • Summary of update: 

    • Integration with Standard GL Fields: We've extended the custom fields feature to accommodate standard GL fields that have been customized for NetSuite (Sage support is in progress

    • Centime Custom Fields: Users can now create custom fields at both the Customer and Invoice levels. Fields can be defined as either List or Text type.

      • List: Create predefined values selectable within the Receivables module.

      • Text: Allow users to enter text.

Additional information: Knowledge base  

Sweep Account Portfolio

Module: Centime Banking >> Product: Centime Checking Plus >> Deliverable: Sweep account portfolio

Centime Checking Plus* is a fully-liquid high-yield checking account. With this account, clients access multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance coverage by automatically diversifying their deposits, without the inconvenience of opening and managing new accounts and banking relationships.


Key value propositions: 

  • Cash is the lifeblood of the small-to-midsize business. Centime Banking helps businesses manage, optimize, and get the most return on working capital with a single, innovative banking solution.

  • Recent bank failures have businesses looking for a smarter way to diversify. Centime Checking Plus* makes it easy to protect your funds with multi-million dollar FDIC insurance coverage.  

  • Businesses are looking for high yield, but most high yield accounts are too restrictive. Centime Checking Plus* is a fully-liquid high-yield checking account without the restrictions of other high-yield money market accounts. 


In this release, users will be able to

  • View interest earned and accumulated within the CentimeSecure sweep account

  • View amount distribution across Institutions


Feature Enhancements


Approval Policies based on Invoice Amount 

Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Payments automation >> Product theme: Invoice automation >> Deliverable: Approval policies based on invoice amount 

  • What is the use case? Some customers want to use different sets of approvers for different invoice amounts (rather than simply adding approvers in a 2nd and 3rd tier). 

  • Summary of update: Further enhancement to our robust invoice approval policies, allowing users to create policies based on invoice amounts in conjunction with existing conditions (supplier, GL account, Class, Department, or location).