Release v2.50- 03.28.2024
Key New Feature Launches
Cash Impact Table
Modules: Receivables, Payables & Planning >> Deliverable: Cash Impact Table
Use case: The Cash Impact Table is a dynamic tool integral to our cash management offering. It shows the total impact changes to your payables and receivable plans will have on your 14 day cash flow.
Summary of update:
Payables: Calculates the impact of payments on your cash flow when scheduling or planning payments based on the payment date and method selected.
Receivables: Highlights the effect of modifying expected or promised receivables dates, calculating how such changes shift cash and impact your cashflow.
Additional information: Knowledge base
Centime Custom Fields
Module: Accounts Receivable >> Area: Customer & Invoice tabs >> Product theme: Collaboration and issue resolution >> Deliverable: AR Centime Custom Fields
Use case: Centime serves as the central hub for collections management and team collaboration. With Centime Custom Fields, users can tailor dispute workflows, assign team members, and incorporate customer and invoice specifics.
Summary of update:
Integration with Standard GL Fields: We've extended the custom fields feature to accommodate standard GL fields that have been customized for NetSuite (Sage support is in progress
Centime Custom Fields: Users can now create custom fields at both the Customer and Invoice levels. Fields can be defined as either List or Text type.
List: Create predefined values selectable within the Receivables module.
Text: Allow users to enter text.
Additional information: Knowledge base
Sweep Account Portfolio
Module: Centime Banking >> Product: Centime Checking Plus >> Deliverable: Sweep account portfolio
Centime Checking Plus* is a fully-liquid high-yield checking account. With this account, clients access multi-million-dollar FDIC insurance coverage by automatically diversifying their deposits, without the inconvenience of opening and managing new accounts and banking relationships.
Key value propositions:
Cash is the lifeblood of the small-to-midsize business. Centime Banking helps businesses manage, optimize, and get the most return on working capital with a single, innovative banking solution.
Recent bank failures have businesses looking for a smarter way to diversify. Centime Checking Plus* makes it easy to protect your funds with multi-million dollar FDIC insurance coverage.
Businesses are looking for high yield, but most high yield accounts are too restrictive. Centime Checking Plus* is a fully-liquid high-yield checking account without the restrictions of other high-yield money market accounts.
In this release, users will be able to
View interest earned and accumulated within the CentimeSecure sweep account
View amount distribution across Institutions
Feature Enhancements
Approval Policies based on Invoice Amount
Module: Accounts Payables >> Area: Payments automation >> Product theme: Invoice automation >> Deliverable: Approval policies based on invoice amount
What is the use case? Some customers want to use different sets of approvers for different invoice amounts (rather than simply adding approvers in a 2nd and 3rd tier).
Summary of update: Further enhancement to our robust invoice approval policies, allowing users to create policies based on invoice amounts in conjunction with existing conditions (supplier, GL account, Class, Department, or location).