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Release v2.5 - 07.14.2022

New features

Feature # 1 

Module - KPIs & Insights


Feature details:

Get actionable payables summary of the business with the new Payables category in KPIs & Insights.


  • We have introduced a new performance category in the KPIs & Insights module called Payables. This category enables the User to see a definitive summary of their payables performance for the selected duration.



  • The User gets the category performance segmented into important KPIs like Days Payable Outstanding, Turnover ratio, %Paid early and %Paid late for their business for the selected time period.


  • User can view  a quick summary of total Suppliers and their invoices with total payments due and total amount paid listed under the KPIs table.
  • The User can choose from two different views to view the category performance:
    • With ‘Payables by time’, User can view their payables performance spread over time. User can click on any element of the graph for relevant details such as invoice number, payment amount etc.
    • With ‘Payables by Supplier’, the User gets their payables performance grouped by Suppliers. User can click on the invoice number/s against a Supplier to get more details.
  • User can also choose to add a separate time period to compare the category performance over time to identify improvement trends or opportunities for improvement.



User permission needed to access the feature:

User must have access to “Monitor payables performance” under KPIs and Insights.

Feature # 2

Module - Manage Receivables


Feature details: 

Identify the real-time impact of all Receivables actions on the business cash flow with cash flow graph in Manage Receivables


  • Users with necessary permissions will now be able to see the real-time impact of their Receivables actions on their cash flow.
  • To view this feature, permissioned users will have to select 'Cash Flow Graph' from the drop down menu above the AR aging graph on their Receivables dashboard.


Sample image showing Cash Flow Graph feature in Manage Receivables dashboard


  • User can view their upper and lower closing balance threshold as set in Cash Flow Forecast in the graph. 
  • User can identify changes to the cash flow forecast as they modify the due date for one or multiple invoices. 
  • Each bar in the graph represents closing balance for the day corresponding to invoices, customers and total due amount, which can be viewed by clicking on the bar.
  • Marking an invoice as disputed or modifying status of disputed invoices will impact the CFF graph accordingly.

User permission needed to access the feature :

Access cash flow impact of customer payment under Manage Receivables

Feature # 3 

General Ledger settings


Feature details:

Fully control how Centime syncs with General Ledger with Auto-sync


  • The User can now decide how frequently they want Centime to sync with their General Ledger. Admin users can toggle Auto-sync ON or OFF based on their preference.



  • When the Auto-sync is off, User can sync on-demand by clicking on ‘SYNC NOW’ under Sync Status in Settings.
  • All sync related settings can be found under General Ledger menu in the Settings panel.


User permission needed to access the feature :

User with admin privileges on Centime

Feature # 4 

Module: Manage Payables


Feature Details:

Get remittance advice sent to Suppliers automatically on every invoice payment with check



  • For every invoice payment made with checks as a payment method, Centime will generate a remittance advice to be mailed with the check to the Supplier.


  • Details such as invoice number and invoice amount etc. will be present in the advice for ease of reconciliation.


  • An electronic copy of the same advice will be sent to Supplier at the time of scheduling the payment.


User permissions to access this feature:

Schedule payments

Fixes for R2.5

  • QBD clients can now see their Autofy agent token details under Sync settings in General Ledger menu in Settings panel.

  • All scatter plots for cash flow streams in Cash Flow Forecast will now have value labels.

  • Centime will pick next active funding account as default account when current default funding account gets removed or unlinked.

If you want to know more about this release, please contact our Customer Success team at