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Release v2.47 - 02.13.2024

Custom fields for Receivables 

Module: Accounts Receivable >> Area: Customer & Invoice tabs  >> Product theme: Collaboration and issue resolution >> Deliverable: AR Custom fields


Enable AR agents to leverage custom fields from their General Ledger in Centime. These custom fields can be used to segment and filter Customers and Invoices, ultimately providing visibility required to take action on collections. This is a crucial step in moving relationship management to Centime and it falls under the critical AR theme of Collaboration and issue resolution.

  • Users can define up to 10 custom fields to sync from the GL at both the customer and invoice-level (20 total).

  • The user can define exactly how fields appear across different locations: 

    • AR - Unpaid Invoice Tab: Fields can be defined as visible or editable in Centime. Only list type fields can be edited in Centime, modifications in Centime will sync back to the GL. 

    • AR - Customer Tab: Fields can be defined as visible. 

    • Customer Portal: Invoice fields can be defined as visible.

Embedded Experience for Sage Intact 

The embedded experience for Sage Intact is live. The embedded experience allows users to stay within Sage as they work in Centime. Access to Sage is not required for team members to use Centime, those without Sage access can log into Centime via the website.