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Release v2.43 - 12.26.2023

In this release:

Centime General

Centime General

Task Email Notifications

In 2.40, we released Tasks so that customers could collaborate with their team within Centime to save time and avoid unnecessary back and forth. With this release, we will be adding email notifications including: 

  1. When new task is created and assigned (sent to assignee)

  2. When the status of a task has changed (sent to assigner)

  3. A daily digest of open tasks in Centime (sent to assignee)



Improved NetSuite Deposits

To further improve our reconciliation process for NetSuite, we now have the deposit memo in the GL populate as the customer name followed by the invoice number.



Invoice Automation Enhancements

We have made several enhancements to the Invoice Automation interface to improve usability due to customer feedback.  

  1. Invoice Summary/Document Viewer enhancements:

    1. Save Button moved to the top right corner of the screen 

    2. Status will be visible as a banner.

    3. Document viewer tabs moved to the top left of the Document viewer and Details has been renamed as "Invoice Summary”

    4. Limiting the screen to only two scrolls - One for the invoice document and one for the whole tab. 

  2. Open Document in Browser. You can pop-out your invoice into a new browser with the "Open Document" button. This button is present on the Invoice Summary tab as well as the Approvals tab. 

  3. Invoice Actions Dropdown: Users can now take appropriate action on invoices from within the invoice viewer by clicking on Invoice Actions on the top right. Previously all actions were taken in bulk from the table view. 

  4. Item and expense table enhancements: 

    1. Height of the table and line accordions are dynamic

    2. Removed the pagination function for a smoother experience.

    3. Description cells are dynamic to the level of 2 lines. You can select the description cell to view the rest of the text with the help of a scroll


Grouping Payments

Centime will now group payments for a supplier if the invoices are all for the same supplier, payment date, payment method, pay from account, and AP account. Previously, the grouping criteria did not include AP account. This will help our clients reconcile to the appropriate liability accounts in the event that they differ by invoice. 


UI enhancements

Payables: Added an approver column on the Documents tab so that AP teams can see who the invoice is currently out with for approval.