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Release v2.42 - 12.08.2023


Feature 1. Edit Payables


  1. Users can now edit payment information using a new "Edit" Action on the Unpaid Invoices tab.  Those modifications will reflect in the cash impact graph

  2. A new action button, “Edit” now appears on the Unpaid Invoices tab




Permissions in

Permissions title

Manage Payables

Schedule payments and manage the AP workflow


Feature 2 - Separate Monitor Cash and Forecast Cash Flows tiles

The Monitor Cash and Forecast Cash Flows tab has been split into two tabs:

  • Banking
  • Forecasting and Planning


Banking Permissions

Forecasting and Planning Permissions

  • Connect Financial Institutions, bank, credit and loan accounts
  • View aggregate account balances and drill into transactions
  • Initiate account transfers
  • Withdraw Centime Credit Line
  • Repay Centime Credit Line
  • View Forecasting and planning
  • Manage the cash flow forecast, update predictions and create scenarios, group cash flows
  • Plan payables
  • Plan receivables


Feature 3 - Resend Remittance to supplier

Users can now resend remittance information to their supplier and view the history of when remittances were sent in Payables.


Permissions in

Permissions title

Manage Payables

Schedule payments and manage the AP workflow

Feature 4 - Aggregation level preferences for Cashflow Forecasting predictions

Now users have the option to view aggregated inflow and outflow totals by customer/supplier or at the default General Ledger account level. This means that there will be one prediction item per customer/supplier. 



Permissions in

Permissions title

Forecasting and Planning

Manage the cash flow forecast, update predictions and create scenarios, group cash flows

Feature 5 - Improved payment posting in NetSuite

When payments are authorized, Centime is now using a general ledger account called “Undeposited funds” as a placeholder account in the General Ledger until the funds settle/clear. 




Once funds settle, Centime creates a Deposit in NetSuite. This will contain line items for any surcharges when applicable and the total amount will be deposited into the entity’s bank account in a single transaction rather than separate transactions for surcharge and payment amount.  This ensures that deposits to the GL Bank Register are aggregated and the GL posting timing coincides with the real settlement of the account for easier reconciliation.


Feature 6 - Credit card preferences on customer level in Receivables 

Centime now supports Customer-level credit card settings meaning granular control at the Customer level and ability to override Global card settings including surcharge. 



Permissions in

Permissions title


Manage Customer profiles, preferences and view history

Fixes in R2.42




Fix detail

Manage Receivables Customer Portal

200 payments can be made at a single time

Manage Payables

Centime can now auto-classify all invoice lines as Expenses or Items rather than attempting to use logic to determine. This is valuable in the event that customers use expense types in their General Ledger but purchase physical items. 



If you want to know more about this release, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Customer Success team at