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Release v2.41 - 11.27.2023

Release highlight

In this release, Centime has introduced credits to enable customers of Centime clients make invoice payments with available credits on the customer portal.


In this release, 



Feature 1 - Applying Credits in the Customer Portal to invoice payments for customers of Manage Receivables clients



  • Users of the customer portal can now apply credits assigned to them by their Suppliers when making an invoice payment using ACH, Credit card, or credits
  • Credits are made available to the customer by their Supplier for an invoice. An invoice can have one or multiple credit memos with details like invoice number, customer name, and the amount credited.
  • When users make an invoice payment on the customer portal, they can select the credit memo and the amount of credits to apply and this amount is then deducted from the payment amount
  • When sufficient credits are available, users can pay the full amount of the invoice using credits and the payment method for this invoice is then changed to Credits from ACH or Credit Card
  • Users cannot apply credits more than the outstanding amount of the invoice. When discounts are available and applied, the amount of credits applied cannot be more than the outstanding amount deducted with discounts.
  • Users can view the amount of credits applied in the Paid invoices tab
  • In the payment receipt email sent to the user after a successful payment, users can view the credit amount and the credit memo number applied
  • For more information on Credits, refer to this article


Permissions required to access this feature:

Customers of Centime Client must have access to the customer portal to be able to view and apply credits.


Feature 2 - Accounts payable account selection during invoice capture in Manage Payables



  • Users of Manage Payables can now select the General Ledger account for individual invoice uploaded to Centime through the Accounts payable account field in the document viewer section of an invoice
  • This is an optional field
  • When a General Ledger account is defined for a Supplier in the General Ledger, the same account will be selected by default
  • When an account is defined in the Document Settings section on Centime, then that account will be selected by default
  • Users can change these accounts by defining a different account for an uploaded invoice and this will be given a priority


Permissions required to access this feature:

Permissions in

Permissions title

Manage Payables

Manage invoice fields and document settings


Feature 3 - Impact of modifying invoice details in General Ledger on scheduled payments


  1. When users edit the details of an invoice in the General Ledger, its status is impacted on Centime

  2. The details that impact the status of the invoice are

    1. Supplier

    2. Invoice due date

    3. Payment terms

    4. Currency

    5. Payment status for the invoice

    6. Invoice amount (already addressed in the past)

    7. Outstanding

    8. Active status (Invoice deleted/Voided)

    9. Invoice number

  3. Invoice with status Ready to pay, Rejected will not be impacted

  4. Invoice with status Awaiting approval, Scheduled, User Action needed, will have scheduled payments canceled and status will be changed to ‘Ready to pay’

  5. Invoice with status Paid/Marked paid/In process, will not be impacted. In-process payments will be canceled if not processed by the Supplier

  6. All modifications to the invoice details in the GL will be recorded in for the audit trail in the invoice history


Feature 4 - Tables in Manage Receivables and Manage Payables will now show the total outstanding and payment amount 



  1. In all the tabs of Manage Receivables and Manage Payables, the tables will now show the total of the invoice outstanding and payment amount in the new row at the bottom 

  2. This is enabled for all the currency columns in the table

  3. The total is shown for all the invoices in a given view, which can either be a default view or a filtered view

  4. The total will be shown for a single-currency invoice selection. When multiple currencies are selected, users will have to select a single currency to view the amount total


Permissions required to access this feature:

All users who can access the Manage Receivables or Manage Payables solution are able to view this feature


Fixes in R2.41




Fix detail

Manage Receivables

Modification in Surcharge posting description when surcharge payment from Customer Portal is posted:

  • The updated surcharge memo description will be “Surcharge for Invoice # xxxx for Customer xxxx”

Manage Receivables

Modification in the Payout description for the posting of customer portal payments

  • The updated description will include the customer name and the invoice number

Manage Receivables

Aggregated emails for Customer based on the hierarchy

  • Invoice aggregation is done if two or more invoices are there for a customer due on the same day. 

  • aggregate based on bill-to i.e. all invoices of a bill to have to be aggregated

  • This is applicable for all emails - reminders, statements, and payment receipts

Manage Receivables

Permissions requirements to modify hierarchy settings

  • Only users with "Manage Customer profiles, preferences and view history" will be able to edit the hierarchy preference at the local level. Otherwise, it will be read-only

Manage Payables Users can now view the status of the check mailed to their Supplier under the Invoice history of an invoice paid with the check in the Paid Invoices tab
  • Users can view check statuses indicating the following stages:
    • Check printing in process
    • Check mailed
    • Check at the local post office
    • Check at recipient's post office
    • Check delivered



If you want to know more about this release, don't hesitate to get in touch with our Customer Success team at