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Release v2.32 - 07.19.2023

In this release, Centime has introduced modifications to the Mark Paid action in the Manage Payables solution to enable users to better reconcile offline payments.


Article Contains:

Features in 2.32

Feature 1: Modification to the Mark Paid workflow



  • Users can now modify payment amount, payment method, and payment date for invoices in the table of the ‘Mark Paid’ action. This can be done for all payment methods except ACH, Check, and CentimeCard.


  • Users can now add credits and discounts to invoices when marking them as paid. Users can perform this action on invoices with statuses ‘Ready to pay’ or ‘Rejected’.

  • Invoices with payment method check, ACH or CentimeCard will be disabled to be marked as paid. When the payment method is switched to other, FX payments or Credit card, the invoice can be marked as paid.


Permissions required to access this feature:


Permissions in

Permissions title

Manage Payables

Schedule payments and manage the AP workflow (recall, mark paid, post)


Fixes for R2.32:


Fix # 1:

  • Solution - Monitor Cash And Forecast Cash Flow
  • Fix details:
    • The closing balance and upper and lower balance thresholds are now aligned to the left axis for easy reference

Fix # 2:
  • Solution: Monitor Cash And Forecast Cash Flow
  • Fix details: 
    • Users will see an alert message when they try to modify prediction settings before the previous changes are incorporated in the forecast.

If you want to know more about this release, please contact our Customer Success team at