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Release v2.28 - 05.26.2023

Features in this release:


Solution Feature
Manage Payables Enhanced table features for all tabs in the Manage Payables solution
Manage Receivables

Addition of the Company Legal Name field in the subject of reminder emails



Feature I - Enhanced table features for all tabs in the Manage Payables solution



  • The following enhancements are introduced to the tables in the Supplier, Document, Unpaid Invoices, and paid invoices tabs:
    • When clicking on an element to open a side panel (supplier name, notes, etc.), the view on the table remains unchanged.
    • Improved date filter to sort the table via the desired due date or Payment date range.
    • The amount value filter now responds to GBP currency.
    • Users can now reset the entire table width to default column values.

Permissions needed to access this feature:


Users who can access the Manage Payables solution can access this feature.



Feature II - Inclusion of Company legal name in the reminder email subject field



  1. Users can now add the Company legal name in the subject field of the reminder emails sent to their customers.
  2. Users can select from ‘Our company name’, ‘customer name’ or ‘company legal name’ in the subject field.



Permissions needed to access this feature:


Permissions in

Permissions title

Manage Receivables

Set up and manage invoice reminder campaigns


Send one-time reminders against open invoices


Fixes in 2.28:


To make ACH transaction descriptions in the statements more meaningful for the Centime client and their Supplier, the following changes are made to the descriptions:


ACH Debit Leg:

Sample transactions description:


ACH DEBIT <Supplier name> INVOICE CENTIME AP 453305 3842568838

ACH Credit Leg:

Sample transactions description:


ACH CREDIT Client_Name INVOICE - 453305 3842568838



If you want to know more about this release, please contact our Customer Success team at