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Release v2.21 - 02.20.2023

Want to effortlessly digitize your invoice capture process and simplify your payables workflow?

Now you can, with Centime's invoice automation features.

With Centime’s invoice automation capabilities, users can digitally capture, approve and post invoices, all done from the Manage Payables solution. 

Say hello to a hassle-free Payables experience with Centime!

New features

Feature 1: Invoice automation in Manage Payables



Streamline your Payables process with Centime’s Invoice automation feature. Upload, approve, and post bills and invoices from within Centime itself and reduce overall invoice processing time.


Centime’s invoice automation has three major steps: 

  • Invoice capture

  • Invoice approval

  • Invoice posting


i. Users with necessary entitlements can upload documents in the ‘Documents’ tab in Manage Payables. Before uploading a document, the user should ensure:

  1. The documents should be in jpeg, png, or pdf format only.

  2. The size of the document should be less than 20MB.

  3. The document should refer to a single invoice/bill only. Multiple bills should be uploaded as separate attachments.

  4. Only bills from the existing suppliers can be uploaded successfully.



Ii. Users can upload the document via two convenient options provided by Centime.

  1. Users can upload documents directly to Centime using the ‘ADD’ button in the ‘Documents’ tab.

  1. Users can email the documents as attachments to a customized email address that is specific to the user's business entity. To know the email address for your business, click on the ‘ADD’ icon in the ‘Documents’ tab in Manage Payables and you should see the email address in the upload popup. Your email address will be in the format: docs+name>




II. Once documents are uploaded successfully, they can be sent for approval from the invoice approvers. Invoice approvers are users with permission to approve uploaded invoices. The user can also add a new user with access to only approve invoices as a Limited-access Invoice approver.


III.Invoice Approval: Users can either add approvers manually to each document or define an Invoice approval policy with an approver limit and approvers. When an invoice policy is defined, approvers identified in the policy are automatically applied to qualifying invoices. Invoice approvers can approve, reject or put an invoice on hold. 


IV. Once an uploaded document is approved, it can now be posted to General Ledger and the document is now moved to the ‘Unpaid Invoices’ tab where it can be used to make an invoice payment. Documents that have been uploaded can be identified with an icon in the ‘Unpaid invoices’ and ‘Paid invoices’ tabs. Users can click on this icon to open the document viewer.


Permissions needed to access this feature:

In Manage Payables entitlements, users should have the following permissions:


To Access


To upload and review documents

Upload and review documents

To post documents to General Ledger

Post documents to General Ledger

To approve, reject or put documents on hold

Approve documents

To create or modify invoice approval policy

Set up and manage the invoice approval policy

Feature 2 - Check remittance details in the check stub area 



When the user makes an invoice payment with a check, Centime will now send remittance details in the check stub area in the payment details to the Supplier.


i. When an invoice payment is made via check, the Supplier will receive the check with payment details.

ii. The check stub area will now include the following details:

  • Customer name
  • Supplier name
  • Invoice date
  • Invoice number
  • Invoice amount
  • Discount applied
  • Credits applied
  • Payment amount
  • Remittance notes



Required Permissions:

In the Manage Payables entitlements, the user should have the following permission to access this feature:


Permissions in

Permissions title

Manage Payables

‘Schedule payments and manage the AP workflow (recall, mark paid, post)

Feature 3: Notifications in Manage Payables


When failures are encountered while making an invoice payment or posting an invoice payment to General Ledger, corresponding users will now be informed via an in-app notification.


  1. For Invoice payment posting failures:

    1. When failures are encountered while posting an invoice payment to General Ledger, user will receive an in-app notification on Centime.

    2. Users can click on the notifications icon in the header to view the notification.

    3. The CTA for the notification will be ‘Review’ which will take the user to the ‘Post’ tab in the ‘Paid invoices’ section in Manage Payables to enable the user to review and post the invoice again.


  1. For invoice payment failure:

    1. When failures are encountered while making an invoice payment, corresponding users are notified via an in-app notification and an email.

    2. Users can view the in-app notification via the Notifications icon in the header bar. 

    3. The CTA for the notification is ‘Review’ which will navigate the user to the ‘Unpaid Invoices’ tab in Manage Payables. All invoice payments with the status ‘Failed’ will be filtered out for the user.

    4. The email will be sent to the user when the payment fails and can contain more than one failed invoice payment.


Required Permissions:


In the Manage Payables entitlements, users should have the following permissions to access this feature:


Permissions in

Permissions title

Manage Payables

‘Schedule payments and manage the AP workflow (recall, mark paid, post)

Feature 4: Account-to-account transfer in Monitor Cash solution


Users can now transfer funds from their connected checking accounts to other operational banking accounts from Centime.

  1. Prerequisites to using this feature:

    1. ACH must be activated for the account

    2. Only checking accounts can be used as a source of fund account

    3. Source and destination accounts must be connected to Centime and must be linked to a General Ledger account.

  2. Users can now transfer funds from their linked checking accounts to other linked operational banking accounts on Centime.

  3. When the account-to-account transfer is activated for the account, it is indicated by a transfer icon.

  4. Users can initiate a transfer by clicking on the transfer icon and identifying the destination account and the amount to be transferred. In one transaction, only one source and destination account can be selected.


  5. All transactions done on Centime can be viewed in the account statement under the ‘Centime transfer’ option.


Required Permissions:


Permissions in

Permissions title

Monitor Cash and Forecast Cash flows

Initiate account transfers

FIXES for R2.21

  1. In Cash Flow Forecast, the single cash flow table view and the scatterplot graph for single cash flow will include a daily view along with the existing weekly and monthly views.

  2. A new role of ‘Invoice Approver’ has been added in the Limited Access users.

  3. The ‘Change subscription package’ option in the Billing section of the Settings is disabled. For any changes to the existing subscription package, the user will have to connect with the Centime Customer Success team.

If you want to know more about this release, please contact our Customer Success team