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Release v2.17 - 12.23.2022

Empower your accounts payable team with Centime's new feature: add dedicated payment approvers at no extra cost and maintain a proper audit trail.

New features

Feature 1 : Where - Global



Introducing 'Limited Access Users'

a. Users can now add their team members on Centime with predefined roles and permissions as Limited Access Users with no additional cost per new user.


b. Users can add the desired users in two roles as Limited Access Users:

i. Payment Approver - A payment approver can only access the Manage Payables solution and perform tasks such as approving or rejecting invoices.

ii. Customer Service Representative: A view-only access to the entity account.

c. The limited access user should be a new user on Centime and can only be assigned one role.

d. The business entity will not be charged additionally for any Limited Access user.

e. When a user is added as a payment approver, the payment approval policy in Manage Payables is updated to add the Payment approver as a first-level approver.


f. A payment approver can access the Manage payables solution and view the Supplier, Unpaid invoices, and Paid invoices tabs. They can perform actions like Approve or Reject in the Unpaid invoices tab.

g. Admin users of the business entity or users with permission to modify user access can edit the access level of the limited access users. However, modifying access of a limited access user changes the user to a Full Access user who is treated as an additional user and is charged according to the subscription plan.


Permissions needed to access this feature:

To add a new Limited Access User, users must have the ‘Manage team, users and permissions’ permission in the Administration settings.


Users will now be able to receive the Centime sign-in OTP on their registered email address as well as on their registered phone number.

If you want to know more about this release, please contact our Customer Success team