How to make a Payment
How to make a payment from the Customer Portal.
Make invoice payments
You can make invoice payments by clicking the 'PAY' button under the 'Unpaid Invoices' tab.
The default payment method for all invoices is ACH. To change it to a credit card, click on the payment method and make the switch. If the credit card option is unavailable, it means your supplier does not accept it for that invoice.
Please be aware that you can only use either ACH or credit card for payments in a single transaction session. For example, if you choose an invoice with a credit card as the payment method, you cannot select invoices with ACH as the payment method. You will have to complete the ACH payment first and then send the credit card payment next.
Any applicable surcharges for credit card payments will be indicated here.
After selecting the payment methods for your invoices, choose the invoices you want to pay and press Confirm. You can select up to 200 invoices simultaneously.
If there are available early pay discounts that haven't expired, they will be automatically applied to the invoice, reducing the payment amount accordingly.
After selecting Confirm, you will be presented with a confirmation screen showing the details of the selected invoice(s) and the funding account information.
Select Confirm and the payment will process.
If a funding account for the payment method does not exist, then the user will be prompted to add ACH account details or card details on the next screen before the payment will process.
Once the payment processes, you will receive an email confirmation.
Payment Statuses
There are three payment statuses available for an invoice:
- Ready to pay - Invoices are unpaid, open, and ready to be paid
- Processing - The payment is in process. Refresh the Customer Portal to receive an updated status.
- Failed - The payment has failed. The reason for failure is displayed in the hover text next to the error icon.
Processing payments
When you make multiple payments simultaneously using the same payment method, Centime will deduct the total amount from your account.
Payment Outcomes
When a payment is successful, you will receive a confirmation email with the payment details of the invoice/s. The corresponding invoices will be removed from the Unpaid Invoices tab.
When a payment is unsuccessful, the invoices will be indicated with an alert icon with the status as Failed under the Payment status column.