How Hierarchy Preferences work in Centime
How to configure hierarchy preferences in Centime when you have parent-child or project relationships in your Accounting System
Receivables Permissions:
Manage AR email and payment settings (Global setting)
Manage Customer profiles, preferences, and view history (Customer-level setting)
Hierarchy Overview
Centime pulls hierarchies and projects directly from your accounting system. To identify customers classified as "project," check the "Entity type" hidden column on both the Customer and Invoice tabs. If the value in this column is "Project," it indicates that the row represents a "Project." If the value is "Customer," it means a "Customer."
Payment Preferences
When a buyer is not directly responsible for payments, you can identify a parent for payment communication and access to the Customer Portal. The following settings are available:
Buyer: The entity that purchased the goods
Top-level parent: The highest-level parent in the overall hierarchy
Immediate parent: The purchasing entity's immediate parent
In the example above, Acme Inc. is the top-level parent for all children.
When the 'Bill to' preference is set to Buyer, each entity is responsible for its bills.
When the 'Bill to' preference is set to Top-level parent, Acme will receive bills for all the children beneath it in the hierarchy.
When the 'Bill to' preference is set to Immediate parent, each entity's immediate parent is responsible for payment, and the top-level parent in the hierarchy is responsible for itself, as shown below.
These preferences can be set on a global level, which will impact all customers. From there, each customer profile can deviate from the global setting.
Set Hierarchy Globally
To set a global hierarchy rule, navigate to Settings > Receivables > General Settings.
Click the pencil to edit the global hierarchy preferences and choose an option from the dropdown menu.
Set Hierarchy Locally
To deviate from the global setting for a specific customer, navigate to their customer profile from any of the tabs in the Receivables module.
Once in the customer profile, you can edit Hierarchy preferences on the Summary tab.
Impact on Contacts and Online Payment Preferences
When the entity responsible for payment is set as Immediate or Top-level parent, Centime will defer to the identified parent's settings.
When payment preferences are not at the buyer level, the buyer's Customer Profile will note that the settings have been overridden.
Emails under hierarchy preferences
When multiple invoices are due to the communication contact on the same date, the users will receive one email with all the invoice details aggregated.
Visibility in the Receivables module
To identify the entity responsible for payment:
Go to the “Customers” tab and look for the “Billing” column; it is hidden by default.
If the value in the “Billing” column is “Yes,” that customer is responsible for payment.
If the value is “No,” the customer is not responsible for payment. To find the entity for payment, check this customer's "Bill to" column.