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Expense Reports

How to view and schedule payment for Expense reports in Centime.

Required Permissions: 

  • To schedule expense payments: ‘Schedule payments and manage the AP workflow (recall, mark paid, post).’

  • To approve expense payments, one of the following is required: 

View expense reports in Centime

Centime syncs expense reports from NetSuite & Sage Intacct. Once an expense report is approved, users can access it on the Unpaid Invoices tab. You can use the ‘E’ icon to differentiate between invoices and expense reports.


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Note, Quickbooks doesn't have a separate "expense report" object, but you can create the employee as a vendor, and enter the expense report as a 'vendor bill,' which will sync to Centime for payment.

Collect employee payment details 

  • When available in NetSuite or Sage Intacct, Centime will sync your employee payment details for Check & ACH payments. 
  • You can also use Centime's Supplier portal to request ACH and Check information for employee payments. 

Scheduling the payment for an expense report

Click on the ‘Pay’ action in the Unpaid Invoices table to schedule expense report payments. You can modify details such as the payment amount, method, and date to schedule the payments.


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Once confirmed, the triggered Payment Approval policy identifies the approvers, who are then sent an email notification to approve or reject the payment for the expense reports.

Approving the payment for an expense report

Payment approvers can click Approve or Reject in the Unpaid Invoices tab to complete their review. 

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Upon confirmation, the payment will be processed on the specified payment date and after the payment has been processed, the payment for the expense report will be posted to the General Ledger.