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AP Invoice Auto Coding

Centime's auto coding significantly reduces the manual burden of processing invoices by predicting header and line level coding based on similar invoices previously processed in Centime. As users process invoices in our AP Module, our auto-coding will get better at predicting future examples.

How it works:

Auto-coding predictions are triggered when a supplier is identified during invoice capture or manually input by a user. The system utilizes all data captured on the submitted document to identify a similar invoice from the same supplier. This includes datapoints that don't show up on the invoice record in Centime but can help identify the correct coding, such as ship to address and account number. If a confident match is found, coding from the previous invoice is applied to the current invoice. The system is sensitive enough to apply different coding for different invoices submitted by the same supplier, based on differences in line-item detail and other captured fields.


As you process and code more invoices in Centime, the system will be able to predict more and more of the coding for you.


What fields are predicted:

The system will attempt to predict all coding fields present on the header and expense/item level. This includes standard required fields such as GL Account and Item Code, as well as any additional fields that have been added to the invoice form (see Settings>Payables>Invoice Fields) such as Department, class, and location. It will not update any free text, date, or amount fields (ex. Invoice number, Memo).


Any predicted fields will be identified by a blue highlight, and hover text identifying the prior invoice that coding was drawn from.


Auto coding is applied to invoice header and lines as they are captured. It will not automatically split and subdivide invoice lines.